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Exam Prep Review You Can Trust

Our website provides an in-depth analysis and comparison of various exam preparation courses, helping you make an informed decision and giving you the best chance of success on your exams. With our expert guidance and recommendations, you can prepare with confidence and achieve your desired results. The best part? It’s all free!

Exam Prep Reviews

How can we help you?​

Our education experts have combed through hundreds of hours of exam prep to give you the scoop. Now you can study like an insider. To get started, select your exam:

PMP Exam

The PMP exam is a test for project managers that checks their knowledge and skills in managing projects. Passing the exam shows that a project manager is good at their job and can lead to better jobs and higher pay.

SIE Exam

The SIE exam is a basic certification for people interested in working in the securities industry. It tests basic knowledge of securities industry concepts and is a prerequisite for other licensing exams.

Real Estate Exam

A real estate license is a must-have for anyone starting a career in the industry. Passing the real estate exam shows that an agent knows the laws and concepts essential for the job.

FE Exam

The FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) exam is the first step in becoming a licensed professional engineer. Passing the exam demonstrates a basic understanding of engineering principles and is required for entry-level engineering jobs and for taking the more advanced PE (Professional Engineer) exam.


The TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) exam is a crucial step for anyone pursuing a career in nursing or allied health fields. The exam assesses basic academic knowledge in subjects such as math, science, and English, and is required for admission to many nursing and allied health programs.

Other Exams

We have hundreds of additional exam prep reviews available! Some of our most popular:
SAT Exam Prep
ACT Exam Prep
BAR Exam Prep
Construction Exam Prep
Tax Exam Prep
CPA Exam Prep
MCAT Exam Prep

Our Evaluation Process


The first step is to evaluate the content of the online exam preparation course. This involves assessing the course material, topics covered, and the level of detail provided. We take into consideration if the course is comprehensive enough to cover all the necessary topics for the exam, if the content is accurate and up-to-date, and if it’s presented in a way that’s easy to understand.


The second step is to evaluate the delivery of the course. This includes reviewing the course structure, the pace of learning, and the level of interactivity. Ideally, the course is well-structured and easy to navigate, the pace of learning is appropriate, and the course provides interactive elements such as quizzes, videos, and forums.


The third step is to evaluate the value of the course. This involves assessing the cost of the course in relation to the value it provides. We’ll tell you if the course provides value for the money, if there are any hidden fees, and if the course provides any additional resources or benefits.


The fourth step is to evaluate the support provided by the course. This includes assessing the level of support provided to students, such as access to instructors, tutors, or mentors, and the level of support provided for technical issues. We check to make sure the course provides adequate support to students, if there are any limitations on support, and if there are any additional costs for support.


The fifth and final step is to evaluate the reputation of the course. This involves researching the course provider and their reputation in the industry. We check to see if the course provider has a good reputation, if there are any reviews or testimonials from past students, and if the course provider is accredited by any relevant industry associations.

“Saved me hundreds of dollars, and hours of headache!”​

Exam Insiders showed me what features each course had without having to buy a single one. They also showed me where I could get the books cheaper than I could get them on Amazon.

John Doe​


Meet Our Leadership​​

Our team of exam experts has helped thousands of students get on the right path to passing the exam. Meet the masters of the madness:

Joanne Williams​


Fred Buster​

Director OPS​​

Lisa Hoffman​​

Director HR​​

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Third-party reviews build trust with your customers and set you apart from the competition. If you’re confident in your product, submit a course for evaluation. One of our Education Analysts will contact you shortly.